Having been raised in America with a father in the United States Army, I was ingrained with what most modern people understand to be American patriotism and pro-American ideals. These include the love of and allegiance to a vague notion of liberty of every kind as well as to pluralism and multiculturalism, and equating democracy and human “rights” with virtue. Now, love of the fatherland and one's fellow countrymen which is true patriotism, is actually a Catholic virtue, and is obviously a very good thing. However, if one's country professes erroneous beliefs contrary to God's revelation, it would not be true love to assent to those beliefs. True love would be to oppose those errors in pursuit of truth. One cannot love a political system that is opposed to the gospel and which inhibits the rights of God. The political systems flowing from the French so-called “Enlightenment,” the “Declaration of the Rights of Man,” Freemasonry, and those practiced in republics which declare themselves to be independent of a state religion, are in exact opposition to the instruction our Lord gave and continues to give to humanity through his Bride, the Catholic Church. We live in one of those Freemasonic, so-called “enlightened,” pluralistic, and as I will explain, practically atheistic societies influenced by their government's ideology here in America. The founding Fathers themselves were mostly associated with Freemasonry, which is the most frequently condemned organization by the Catholic Church, and whose principles are antithetical to our religion. Freemasonry forces it's members to abandon allegiance to the true religion under the guise of accepting all religions as good. But as we know by the gift of Faith from our baptism as Catholics, there is only one true religion which God has ordained, and which gives us eternal life. On this principle alone, a Catholic cannot be a Freemason. Freemasonry also dabbles heavily with the Occult. Their rituals and practices, especially in the secretive upper echelons, involve Satanic activity, and the end goal of the organization, which is to destroy the Catholic Church, is Satanic. Because these Freemasons, or Freemasonry sympathizers (our Founding Fathers), were opposed to Catholicism and in fact broke away from the heritage of Christendom, which is the collection of states in Europe that were decidedly Catholic and gave the West its flourishing arts and culture, they rejected the Catholic Church's teaching that the role of state government is to promote the common good by serving God and saving souls. It is a very little known fact, that the Catholic Church believes and has an obligation to the command of our Lord to the Apostles to “baptize all nations.” A big shock for me was learning, and for any American Catholic will be to learn, that the Catholic Church CONDEMNS religious liberty and pluralism, and the historically recent notion of “separation of Church and state.” The Catholic Church teaches that Our Lord Jesus Christ has a social kingship, meaning a reign over society! One of the biggest impacts and dangers of this novel and insipid idea of religious pluralism is that it has chopped up reality in the minds of Americans. I will explain. We learn to behave one way outwardly in the public square (denying religion's influence), one way at home privately with our families, and a different way still in either school or our private businesses, communities, or religious groups. We are not whole human beings, rooted in a foundation of conviction and principle, but due to our government's influence on society, we are forced to become rather shallow, empty, constantly shifting shapes pleasing whatever powerful institution hovers over us by way of coercion and brainwashing. We have not much footing and are constantly divided among different masters. However, God is a God of peace and stability. The constant rupture between our modes of life make it impossible to sufficiently know, love, and serve Him. Our focus has become materialistic after having taken the true God out of government and the public square. What's more, modern people have no idea that theology is actually the queen of sciences and that the study of God is the greatest study of all. How could God reveal truths to humanity concerning the way we live—morals, and principles—without expecting us to live them out? How can we privately believe for instance, that contraception is prohibiting the natural progression of human birth, but in public proclaim as a virtuous principle that thought that all men have the “right” to believe whatever they wish!? Do we believe in reality or not? The foolish men of the Enlightenment have played the greatest trick on their minds, and most of ours, by pretending that God isn't sovereign, and reality isn't real—thereby giving themselves a perceived endowment to create whatever personally imaginative existence they can conceive, which is not to be necessarily congruent with actual reality, a reality within a world that has consequences. Most often the ideas they or we ourselves come up with do not match up with reality. Furthermore, we do not believe truth because we have come up with it ourselves. Truth is something revealed to us by God through His mediators. We also are not entitled to false beliefs on the basis of a right coinciding with our existence and autonomy. Existence and autonomy exist for the purposes of discovering, loving, and serving God. We actually don't, in one sense, have a right to exist. Our existence is a loving gift from God. He owes us nothing, which is what makes the gift so much greater! So, how are we to write the rules of existence by declaring that anyone may believe what he wants? We absolutely cannot. It is illogical and and affront to our divine creator, as well as condemned by the Church numerous times. We must open our eyes and see that this delusion of the mantra,“to each his own” is the basis of our country's founding principles, which are totally flawed, disastrous, and sinful. When we proclaim that no religion can influence society as a rule, we are being practical atheists. Even if persons “believed” individually, privately saying to themselves, “I believe in God,” outwardly acting as if He didn't exist makes them worse than atheists! At least atheists practice what they preach. How can a country be religious or Godly, when its government denies God's authority? Many say that America does recognize God. But it does not. God is the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. They are never separated. The Constitution of this country does not recognize the Holy Trinity. It says our rights (which don't exist as such as I explained previously) come from God. God might as well be a plank of wood. “God” can be anything, which was the point of the Constitution fathers writing it that way. Any country that does not acknowledge God will not flourish. As I have described, the basis of the incompatibility of Catholicism with American government is the Freemasonic founding of America on principles that reject the Holy Trinity's sovereignty over the whole world, and specifically Christ's sovereignty as social King over the whole world. When we look at the practical consequences of these principles in action, we see ourselves in a country where people don't believe much of anything anymore of true religion, and are falling massively into impurity and indifference. Capitalism with no boundaries has become a way of life. We see practical atheism, the murder of the unborn, the public rise and acceptance of unspeakable vices, cowardly and evil politicians, robbery of the people by way of their taxes, the ripping apart of home life and the family, and massive industrialization which has money as its object rather than the salvation of souls. Any society with characteristics like that is in no wise Catholic.
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@Maddi Elaine I now understand exactly what you told me a few months ago!
An intelligent and well-written article, Anya
I disagree that the fault of our degradation is not to be attributed to the founding of our country and its Constitution. It is indeed at fault. The Constitution is non-religious. A country that does well is only one that recognizes the Trinitarian Catholic God. Plurality in religion is the death knell of this country. You cannot serve two masters let only a limitless amount contained under "Religious freedom." There are documents citing the founders rejecting the claim that America is Christian so that they could trade more favorably with Muslims. Practically none of the founders were Catholic. And if they were, they certainly did not found this country with Catholic ideals. Part of Catholicism is Catholic society, and that…
I understand the point you are trying to make and I agree that the modern interpretation of the Founding Principles and especially "liberty" is antithetical to Christian values. However, I don't think that the Constitution and the way the American government was set up is anti-Christian. Rather than dividing themselves from Western Civilization, the Founding Fathers brought it to the New World and founded the Constitution upon it. But as they themselves said, a republic will only work for a "moral and virtuous people" and I think we are seeing the results of it being used now by a immoral one. Is this the fault of the Constitution? I don't think so since it seems like our best bet but…